Information about MSHGMacedonian Society of Human Genetics (MSHG)

Macedonian Society of Human Genetics (MSHG) was established in 2006 in Skopje. Since then, the main aim of the Society is to connect the researchers from the Republic of North Macedonia who are actively engaged in scientific and professional work in the field of human genetics and related science; to advance the scientific work, to exchange opinions and experiences, as well as to enable professional improvement of young scientists.
The Macedonian Society for Human Genetics aspires to promote human genetics in all areas of research, teaching and practice through organization of professional meetings, consultations, symposiums and congresses. The Society strives to create and develop cooperation with the Human Genetics Associations from other countries and with the European Association of Human Genetics.
Board members:
– Dijana PlasheshaKaranfilska, MD, PhD – president
– Aleksandar Dimovski, MD, PhD – vice president
– Emilija Shukarova Stefanovska, PhD – scientific secretary
– Elena Shukarova – Angelovska, MD, PhD – treasurer
– Aleksandar Petlichkovski, MD, PhD – member